
The variety of coaching methods I have learned enables me to respond individually to the client's needs and to use the coaching and training approaches that seem to me to be most effective based on their needs.

Since 2011, I have completed training at various US coaching and training schools, all of which are accredited by the coaching association ICF.

Since 2011, I have completed training at various US coaching and training schools, all of which are accredited by the coaching association ICF.

The variety of coaching methods I have learned enables me to respond individually to the client's needs and to use the coaching and training approaches that seem to me to be most effective based on their needs.

Anti Anger

Based on over ten years of coaching experience, numerous training and further education courses and literature on the topic of anger, I have developed my own anti-anger method. I call it the anger clearance process. It enables the participants in my courses and my coachees to recognize, examine and explore their own anger and then resolve it independently, competently and calmly. The result is greater clarity and goal orientation as well as more calm and satisfaction. simply. effective. sustainable.

Mindset Change von Arbinger

The Arbinger Institute's Outward Mindset program includes very simple and effective tools for living and working with an OUTWARD-oriented mindset. Arbinger's 2-day workshop alone permanently changes the attitude and perspectives of the people involved and allows completely new ways of working and designing. Find out more about Arbinger's approaches: As a certified Arbinger trainer and coach, I conduct Mindset Change courses at the Arbinger Institute in Germany in German and English and accompany the change processes with many years of coaching expertise.
Das US amerikanische Arbinger Institut mit Mindset Change Methoden

Mindset Change von Arbinger

The Arbinger Institute's Outward Mindset program includes very simple and effective tools for living and working with an OUTWARD-oriented mindset. Arbinger's 2-day workshop alone permanently changes the attitude and perspectives of the people involved and allows completely new ways of working and designing. Find out more about Arbinger's approaches: As a certified Arbinger trainer and coach, I conduct Mindset Change courses at the Arbinger Institute in Germany in German and English and accompany the change processes with many years of coaching expertise.

Anatomy of Peace - the international bestseller in the field of conflict resolution - now in German -

As an introduction to the methods of the Arbinger Institute, I recommend reading the international bestseller 'Anatomy of Peace', which I have translated into German. Order the book via Amazon. Order the book through Heel Verlag.
Das Buch Konflikte im Kern gelassen lösen / Die Anatomie des Friedens ins Deutsche übersetzt von Barbara Gerhards
Zertifizierung als Certified Professional Co-Active Coach von der größten internationalen Coaching Schule The Coaches Training Institute in den USA

The Coaches Training Institute - CTI

CTI is one of the pioneers of coaching and has trained over 35,000 coaches worldwide over the last 20 years. CTI's coaching model has played a key role in shaping the ICF's core competencies and ensures the quality of the coaching. The enormous positive effect of coaching comes from the fact that the impulses come from the client themselves. The client has the knowledge, strength and will to change things. I see my job as a coach as helping my clients access their own inner knowledge and realize the changes they want.

The Coaches Training Institute - CTI

CTI is one of the pioneers of coaching and has trained over 35,000 coaches worldwide over the last 20 years. CTI's coaching model has played a key role in shaping the ICF's core competencies and ensures the quality of the coaching. The enormous positive effect of coaching comes from the fact that the impulses come from the client themselves. The client has the knowledge, strength and will to change things. I see my job as a coach as helping my clients access their own inner knowledge and realize the changes they want.

Conversational Intelligence 

Judith E. Glaser's concept of intelligent communication "C-IQ" is based on neuro-biological findings that explain what happens in our body at different levels of communication. With the help of this knowledge, we can choose a suitable communication channel based on our needs and switch back and forth competently between the different communication channels. At its highest level of development, management bodies, teams and groups are able to communicate in a cooperative manner.
Zusatzausbildung zu conversational intelligence für Coaches

Conversational Intelligence 

Judith E. Glaser's concept of intelligent communication "C-IQ" is based on neuro-biological findings that explain what happens in our body at different levels of communication. With the help of this knowledge, we can choose a suitable communication channel based on our needs and switch back and forth competently between the different communication channels. At its highest level of development, management bodies, teams and groups are able to communicate in a cooperative manner.
Grundkurs der international renommierten Coaching Schule CRR Global zu organisational and relationship systems coaching

Organisational and Relationship Systems Coaching

The ORSC coaching school specializes in coaching two or more people as part of a system. The relationship is viewed as a separate entity.

Organisational and Relationship Systems Coaching

The ORSC coaching school specializes in coaching two or more people as part of a system. The relationship is viewed as a separate entity.
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