

let's discover the anger emotion and the process
how to break free from anger!

The Anger Emotion:    WHAT • WHY • HOW

The processanger Formula ©

Leadership Development

Anger Competency

- Leading without Anger

Anger competence is a so far neglected but important and fundamental leadership skill. It builds the solid foundation for many other leadership skills such as: 
  • effective, and fact focussed communication
  • efficient, and goal-oriented team leadership
  • successful conflict resolution (if at all still necessary) and
  • stress-free agility
In my speeches we discover the anger emotion and its impact in order to work towards anger competence by answering the following questions:
  • WHAT - The impact of anger
  • WHY - The processanger formula
  • HOW - Impulses for anger competence
As takeaway of my interactive speeches you become aware of your own anger emotion,  understand why you get angry in the first place and learn how to deal with anger situations more competently.
As a manager, you will further understand the anger of others and how to help the parties involved to remain calm and switch back to positive and constructive behaviours.

Transformation and Change

Corporate Culture

- Cooperating without Anger

If  managers and employees of a company tend to share their anger issues and anger situations on a regular basis and quickly get upset about each and everything, then the corporate culture and working atmosphere can suffer greatly. In extreme cases, anger has a toxic effect and destroys work relationships.

There are many complex and time consuming transformation processes to improve the culture and collaboration within a company. Addressing the existing individual anger patterns first is a simple and easy-to-implement prep step to larger transformations by creating awareness around our own anger behaviours that tend to get in the way:
  • HOW anger affects ourself and others
  • WHAT drives anger
  • WHEN it's worth getting angry
  • WHAT we wish for instead
In my interactive speeches we look at these critical questions in order to develop awareness around the anger emotion, our own anger triggers, and anger behaviours.
Dealing with anger not only wipes away the negative impact of anger but allows the positive power behind anger to be seen and develop to the benefit of all parties involved.

Corporate Health Management

Happiness at Work

Mental Health

- Working without Anger

The anger emotion plays a major role in the success and effectiveness of a company. Anger not only eats time and money and cooperation and motivation and innovation, but effects the health and wellbeing of the employees - the most important resource of every company.

To remove the sand in the system and to keep all its people healthy, anger is an effective entry point. By looking at the existing anger issues and behaviours we learn where people struggle. why they struggle, why they behave the way they behave, why they refuse to change and why they resist and hold on to old ways.

In my interactive speeches, participants explore:
  • their own anger topics
  • HOW anger works
  • WHY we get angry
  • HOW we can deal with anger topics
  • WHAT we wish for  instead
Dealing with the emotion of anger reduces collateral damages and allows the potential behind the anger to be lifted in favour of all the parties involved.

In the context of Health Management anger competence prevents illness and paves the way for a self-reflective, healthy life. Both physically and mentally. Happiness at work is not possible without being able to deal with the daily anger situations.

Society and Politics


- Volunteering without Anger

Our society consists of a multitude of social engagements and volunteering work.  Whether it's the local sports club, the local party, the association for a good cause, the parents' council or the involvement in various non profit organisations from daycare to cultural events. We love to engage ourselves for what is important to us and to actively shape the world around us and make it a better place for ourselves, our loved ones or for the world in general. 

Despite all the good intentions, the same purpose, the same idea behind the organisation there still exist different point of views and approaches that can cause anger. Lingering anger can sometimes cloud the joy of the joint venture, poison the atmosphere and ultimately lead to people leaving or even the termination of helpful initiatives.

What a waste of good will and development power! Instead, if we are aware of  the WHAT, WHY and HOW of anger, we can avoid anger getting in the way of our improving the world around us.

In my interactive speeches we will explore our own anger, have a look at the anger of others and gain inspiration for anger-free ways to cooperate and co-create.

Let's make volunteering work.

Impulse for your own Wellbeing

Inner Peace

- Living without Anger

Many people thrive for a happy and contented life and search for Inner Peace. But how do we get there? For me the path to Inner Peace passes through the anger emotion. We cannot be at peace with ourselves (Inner Peace) and the world (External Peace) and be angry at the same time.

Only when we stop being angry - be it about a person, an issue or a situation - can we develop Inner Peace.

Anger freedom is a necessary - although not sufficient - condition for Inner Peace.

In my interactive speeches the participants explore the meaning of anger and learn about the information it holds for us. We can harness the power of anger and open the path to Inner Peace.

I am happy to introduce The processanger Formula to your Company.

I deliver Speeches in German and English.


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